A Brief Introduction
Can you imagine today’s contemporary business world without any applications of a CRM (customer relationship management) system? The answer is no, isn’t it? In other words, investing in a best-in-class CRM system has become one of the key business decisions in recent times.
When it comes to the contributions of CRM systems, we cannot ignore the same for educational institutions. Did you know the market for the customer relationship management system is predicted to exceed the $80 billion target by 2025? Hence, it is a no-brainer to conclude that the future of the education CRM software is bright as well.
Unfortunately, a couple of myths have been floating around regarding education CRM software systems. And the goal of this post is to make you familiar with those myths and to bust them one by one. As a result, you would get enough inspiration to start leveraging the power of an education CRM software system to take your business to the next level in the education industry.
Education CRM Software: Some of the Most Common Myths & It’s time to bust them all
Many people have misconceptions regarding education CRM software. That is why they are still stuck with outdated tools and technology, which are not doing any good to their business. Do you want to flourish in the educational ecosystem with your business? Then, it is time for you to be familiar with the popular myths about the education CRM software. And it is high time to debunk these myths as well.

Myth-1: Education CRM Software is extremely complex to use

Have you ever heard that education CRM software is not user-friendly and convenient to use? When CRM systems were at the initial stage, people had to rely on tech-savvy professionals.
However, it is not true anymore. Nowadays, you do not need any external assistance to leverage the power of an education CRM software system regardless of your educational background. That means it nowadays becomes one of the biggest myths that education CRM systems are extremely complex or not user-friendly.
Hence, what are you waiting for? Start using best-in-class education CRM software like Eductrl to spread your business reach and reach out to more and more potential clients. One of the best aspects of an advanced education CRM software system is that it is simple to configure, and it does have a little learning curve.
Moreover, if you would like to step up your game and switch to the latest technology, do not wait any longer. Make a top-notch education CRM system like Eductrl a companion in your business journey and get ready to uplift your business career.
In addition, today’s education CRM software can be easily customized to cater to your business needs and your expectations. You just have to opt for the functions of such a software program relevant to your institution. Since it is all about enhancing the customer service of a business, a bit of employee training is necessary to get used to the system.
However, it is just a matter of time for a person to improve their interactions with prospects and clients with an education CRM system. If you are new to a CRM software system, do not worry! You can expect a lot of support from it to grow your business.
Myth-2: Education CRM Software is too expensive

Another widespread myth regarding an education CRM software system is that it is too expensive to purchase. It might have been true once upon a time, as big firms had to spend heavy amounts to purchase the software license and invest a lot on peripheral hardware to put it to use.
Furthermore, business owners had to bear the overheads related to training, support, and consultation when it was regarding the implementation of an education CRM system. However, the time has changed and so has the overall cost of using an education CRM software system for a business.
Fortunately, the recent years have witnessed the evolution of an array of CRM software systems with diverse price ranges. That is how CRM tools including education CRM software systems became budget-friendly.
Moreover, the revolution of cloud-based CRM software has made it possible to enable users to provide them with immediate access to the system. Since data is now stored online in these systems, extra overheads of hardware and installation are no longer relevant.
Did you know cloud-based education CRM software system has streamlined the entire customer management process? Nowadays, institutional buyers and sellers find it a lot more affordable to purchase and implement education CRM systems. Now, it is your turn to start leveraging the power of a feature-loaded education CRM tool, such as Eductrl.
Myth-3: Education CRM Software can just store Lead Data

Do you think an education CRM software system can be used only for lead data storage? If yes, then it is high time to get rid of this misconception. We all know about the revolution and contribution of SaaS apps in today’s market.
And one of the biggest advantages in this regard lay in the versatility of advanced education CRM systems. As a result, today’s education CRM software programs can be used for various applications instead of only lead data storage.
One of the striking benefits of today’s education CRM systems is marketing automation. In other words, advanced CRM software features in-built marketing automation. This feature saves a lot of time and effort for marketing professionals, as they are no longer in need of using any external software to look over the data of every potential client for the business. A best-in-class education CRM software system performs the task on their behalf.
In addition, marketing automation has also taken the performance of marketing campaigns of a business to the next level. Using advanced CRM software like Eductrl means taking a step forward to help improve sales productivity and interactions with potential and existing clients. Hence, it is now clear that education CRM software is no longer meant for storing lead data only.
Is there anything else in this regard? Yes, definitely! An education CRM software system can keep up the database of clients (of course clients’ permission is needed upfront). In addition, such a software program leaves no stone unturned to take the functionality of the business to the next level through better interaction with the staff as well as clients.
For example, today’s education CRM software features IVR (Interactive Voice Response) to help clients’ calls direct to the respective department of the business. As a result, clients’ queries can be resolved in as little waiting time as possible. Otherwise, it could harm the business reputation and encourage prospects to switch to some other business in the educational ecosystem.
An education CRM system integrated with IVR also helps a business to record and keep track of the calls from clients and prospects. In addition, the system also helps to monitor overall call volume, call handling time, and many other aspects. Thus, CRM systems have made it much easier for businesses to reach out to the correct set of potential clients at the correct time with the most relevant information.
Furthermore, it is also possible for a business to integrate an education CRM software system with well-known payment processors. It streamlines the buying journey of customers with the very business as well as it can save a lot of time and effort on both ends.
Would you like to convert your education CRM system into a versatile tool? You can do that to a great extent. You just need to integrate the system with as many programs and apps as possible to make it the perfect customer relationship solution for your business.
For instance, integration can make a CRM system usable on the go. Integration with Google and Facebook ads offers customized reporting on leads to enable you to make informed business decisions.
And it is a no-brainer to mention how the integration of CRM systems with social media platforms can help a business to reach more and more target customers. Note that integration can also help the education CRM system users to manage and personalize quotes for their services.
In short, a top-notch education CRM system, such as Eductrl, can transform overall activities in a business in the educational ecosystem. Not only does the software help to store lead data but also revolutionizes the ways a business operates to take its success to a new level.
Myth-4: A CRM System is needed only by the Sales Team of a Business

The present and future of a business largely depend on the sales team’s performance. And needless to say, how CRM tools integrated with mobile access and social media platforms have been contributing to the performance improvement of sales teams. Thus, sales reps have achieved a 26.4% of productivity improvement. Therefore, it is true that education CRM tools and the sales team of a business share a strong bond with each other.
Nonetheless, it does not mean education CRM systems are not relevant to other departments of a business. Whether it is about interacting with clients and prospects, analyzing data, running marketing campaigns, or collaborating with teams for better productivity, no one can deny the importance of education CRM software systems for a business.
In other words, a CRM system provides a comprehensive platform for a business to streamline the activities of as many departments as possible. When it comes to an education CRM system and business marketing, you can expect a better performance of your marketing campaigns. In addition, a CRM system with in-built analytics helps marketing professionals to analyze the influence of the marketing campaigns on clients and prospects.
You already know education CRM systems can be used as collaboration tools. As a result, businesses in the educational ecosystem can interact with various campuses of higher education institutions with ease. Hence, all these aspects have made it clear that education CRM software systems are versatile tools, not bound to a sales department only.
Myth-5: Education CRM Software Developers do not provide Customer Support

I can say the statement is not completely false. Many CRM software developers are only interested in selling their products and are least interested in after-sales support. That is why a lot of educational institutions keep changing CRM software systems once in a while.
Nonetheless, you won’t have to face the same situation if you opt for a best-in-class education CRM tool, such as Eductrl, from the beginning. In other words, it is a must for businesses, in the educational ecosystem, to verify the authenticity and credibility of the shortlisted CRM tool.
You have to check whether the respective CRM tool developers ensure proper after-sales support or not. It is a must to verify how CRM system developers treat customers after closing the deal.
Do not worry! You have Eductrl at your rescue. This cutting-edge education consultancy CRM system leaves no stone unturned to provide the best customer experience whether it is before or after closing the deal.
If you would like to reach out to Eductrl with your requirements or get your queries resolved regarding the tool, the customer care team is one phone call or an email away from you. Moreover, the office address of Eductrl is mentioned on its website as well. So, what are you waiting for? Contact the Eductrl team today to start your journey with an advanced education CRM software system.
Eductrl always strives hard to cater to the requirements and expectations of esteemed customers. The experienced team analyzes short-term as well as long-term goals along with challenges of the customers to serve them better and make a transformation to their business productivity and performance. Even if you get stuck while training your team with the CRM tool, the Eductrl team is there to help you to ensure an unflinching and unfailing experience every time.
Myth-6: Education CRM Software goes for the one-size-fits-all Concept
Is your business a part of the educational ecosystem? Yes? Then, you need to choose a CRM software system, which works for the education industry.
In essence, there is no one-size-fits-all concept when it comes to CRM software systems. That means not every CRM tool is going to help your business flourish and boost your business performance. Therefore, you cannot expect a CRM system to work for businesses in every industry. Jot down your requirements and come up with clear expectations to opt for an ideal CRM software system for your business.
Note that diverse CRM software systems are available in the market, meant to cater to the requirements of specific industries. When it comes to taking the popularity, productivity, and performance of a business from the educational ecosystem to the next level, it is a must to leverage the power of only education CRM tools.
Such CRM systems are developed to monitor leads, interact with students on a real-time basis, and operate the student lifecycle on a unified platform. In addition, these CRM tools also cater to various collaboration, analytical, and operational requirements of a business.
Wrapping Up
I hope you got enough insights into education CRM software systems and are inspired enough to choose one of the best ones like Eductrl for your business. CRM tools are changing the ways of business operations all around the world and taking business success to a new level.
Moreover, these systems have streamlined data migration to boost business performance. The post has debunked the most common myths related to education CRM tools. And you are now aware of how education CRM software can facilitate your business operation, boost productivity, and improve customer experience.
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