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Are you a proud owner of a study abroad consultancy? Yes?

Then, you should know how to make your business stand out in today’s cutthroat competition. Since more and more students nowadays aspire to become alumni of prestigious universities in the world, studying abroad has become a popular choice. 

It marks the importance of promoting your business as much as possible to reach out to more and more potential students and expand your network. And this goal is next to impossible to achieve without well-planned marketing strategies. 

Top Marketing Strategies to Stay Ahead in Your Study-Abroad Consultancy Business

Today, many bright students want to explore global academic opportunities and experience diverse cultures, languages, and histories to broaden their horizons and attract more and more opportunities in the long run. 

As a result, the demand and popularity for study overseas has gone up. Needless to say, the situation has caused stiff competition among study-overseas consultancies. Hence, you should leverage best-in-class marketing strategies to give strong competition to your competitors and stay ahead in the game.

Create a High-Quality Website and Optimize It Properly

You must have a dedicated website for your study-abroad programs. Even if you have social media pages with top-class marketing campaigns, having a business website will help you make a strong presence in the market.

Take care of the on-page and off-page SEO of your website to rank it on the first page of SERP. Make your website responsive for smooth operation on all devices. 

Insert more and more FAQs about studying abroad, prerequisites, benefits, and future opportunities to encourage students or make them curious and enthusiastic about your programs. 

Your website must have a chatbot to cater to the common queries of candidates. Moreover, having a human customer care executive in place is equally imperative for detailed explanations of queries raised by students. 

Do not forget to mention the business hours on the website to let the candidates know when they can reach out to your consultancy.

Leverage Social Media Campaigns to Expand Your Business Reach

You should know which social media platforms are used by most of your prospects. As a result, you can reach out to more and more target students, and let them know about your wonderful study-abroad programs.

Do in-depth research and create impactful social media campaigns to spread your business reach. Note that a strong content plan for effective social media campaigns must comprise the content type to post and share, frequency of posting, and best posting times.

Are you a veteran in the study-abroad consultancy industry? Yes? Then, request your previous clients to leave reviews for your business to help strengthen your positive impression and impact in the industry.

Encourage the students whom you have assisted to study overseas to create videos on their experiences with your consultancy services. Moreover, you should share as many videos and content pieces as possible on the tips and suggestions on studying abroad.

Assign a seasoned social media marketer to address the concerns and queries of students. It is mandatory to engage with interested candidates to win their trust and show the authenticity and credibility of your business. 

Foster a strong business-customer relationship by answering their questions in detail and inviting them to your office for a detailed discussion.  Leverage social media advertising and paid marketing tools to specifically target the desired audience and generate more and more high-quality leads for your business. Leverage the expertise and experience of a best-in-class marketing team to convert the leads into paying customers. 

Take Help From Your Students

Leveraging your students can give your marketing a great boost. Reach out to students with majors in journalism, graphic design, or visual communications and assign them as content creators for your marketing campaigns.

For instance, get in touch with a student, who is currently pursuing strategic communications in the USA. Next, assign them the social media campaigns of your program for what a day looks like for a student studying in the USA. 

Moreover, you can encourage students of specific universities to take photos of their campuses (with proper permission) and send those images to you. You can also ask them to send photos of the life of that particular city or cultural aspects, such as any festivals or concerts, to generate awareness for your study-abroad programs.

Leveraging videos (each file for approx. 45 seconds) on campus life in a specific university can accelerate the demand and popularity for your programs. You can set the rewards for the effort and dedication of the students after discussing with them. Creating social media campaigns with practical experiences from current students will take your program’s credibility, authenticity, and reputation to the next level. 

Conduct Online Events or Webinar

One of the most effective strategies to reach more and more potential students is by hosting high-quality online events and webinars.  Many students do not have adequate knowledge regarding the prerequisites, rules, and regulations of studying in foreign universities. Many of them also have queries and concerns about scholarships and fee structures of the desired programs.

You can resolve all their queries and answer their questions by addressing them through online events or webinars. Create social media marketing campaigns for your events to draw the attention of potential students.

Share valuable information through these events and introduce your programs at the end. In order to generate more interest and enthusiasm, you can offer a few programs at a discounted price. 

Encourage your participants to ask you questions during the Q&A session to help them convey their doubts and concerns regarding studying abroad. You can also invite industry experts and experienced professionals to give speeches on studying abroad and resolve the queries of participants. In-depth discussions and explanations can give interested candidates the needed courage and inspiration to take the next step to fulfill their dreams of studying abroad.

Leverage Email Marketing to Generate High-Quality Leads

Many business owners consider email marketing an obsolete strategy to gain leads, but it is a myth. Email marketing is evergreen, and its results can surprise you. This effective marketing strategy can help your study-abroad consultancy business generate more and more high-quality leads. 

Moreover, best-in-class email marketing strategies can nurture those leads and build strong relationships with interested students as well as their guardians. You should assign the task of creating best-in-class email marketing campaigns to a seasoned marketer. Your business emails should be insightful and valuable enough to make interested students more curious and enthusiastic about your programs. 

Do not forget to add newsletter subscription options to your consultancy business website to collect the email addresses of your prospects. You can also draw the attention of more and more students by introducing promotions and referral incentives to the website.

Create Valuable Blog Posts & Share the Links Across Social Media Platforms

You can leverage blogging to generate organic traffic and boost the credibility and reputation of your business. First, you need to conduct in-depth research to find relevant keywords and topics for your business. Your blog posts should guide, help, and support students and their parents to make informed decisions about studying abroad.

Build Strategic Partnerships with Educational Institutions

Forming partnerships with educational institutions, both local and international, can be a game-changer for your consultancy. These partnerships can provide you with exclusive access to information, resources, and even direct referrals of students interested in studying abroad. Collaborate with universities, colleges, and language schools to create joint programs or events that promote your consultancy services.

Utilize Influencer Marketing

Influencer marketing can be a powerful tool for reaching a broader audience. Identify influencers who have a strong following among students or educational communities. They can help you promote your services through authentic content, such as testimonials, campus tours, or study-abroad experiences. Influencers can amplify your message and reach potential students who may not have been aware of your services.

Participate in Education Fairs and Expos

Education fairs and expos are excellent platforms to showcase your consultancy services. By participating in these events, you can interact directly with students and parents, answer their questions, and provide valuable insights into the study-abroad process. Make sure to collect contact information and follow up with attendees to convert leads into clients.

Wrapping Up

All the marketing strategies will help you make a strong presence in the education industry and attract more enthusiastic candidates to your programs. So, what are you waiting for? Start implementing these strategies one by one and watch your consultancy business thrive.